• +254 741 106021
  • info@foodsafety.co.ke
  • Nairobi, Kenya

Training programs

Know Now. Act Now!

Training programs

Training is our flagship service, and our training is exceptional!


We have a good training track record and reputation with our clients. We develop bespoke and generic training programs that address the needs of the client, and they are delivered in a manner to facilitates understanding, internalization, and application of the knowledge. The training is organised according to the needs of the clients eg in-house, online, open.

Our training programs are continually upgraded to offer the most current and functional information, to facilitate continual improvement of the food industry. Research findings are also disseminated through training seminars and workshops, besides being deployed in advisory services. 


We have training for users as well as for trainers. We build the capacity of other trainers to deliver training services and knowledge in areas where we cannot reach. 


We facilitate clients to carry out training needs assessments and draw yearly training programs to close the gaps in employee competence.  


A detailed training portfolio is available in a separate booklet and on request. Below is the outline of some of our generic training programs, the list is not exhaustive. 

Types of Training

Food Safety and Quality Management Standards

Training Areas

  • ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System
  • ISO/TS 22002-x Pre-requisite programs
  • FSSC 22000 Scheme
  • BRCGS – Food, Food packaging, Retail, Storage and distribution
  • IFS – Food
  • HACCP Study
  • ISO 19011 Internal auditor training of management systems
  • ISO 9001Quality Management Systems
  • FSMA requirements

Technical Trainings

Training Areas

  • Basic food microbiology
  • Food safety hazards and hygiene
  • Sensory evaluation of foods
  • Risk assessments in food safety and quality
  • Root cause analysis problem-solving
  • Statistical Quality control in food processing and manufacturing

National food laws, regulations, and standards training

Training Areas

  • Laws and regulations related to food in the country,
  • Application of statutory standards in the food industry.

Training of Trainers (ToTs)

Training Areas

  • Capacity building of trainers and consultants in the food industry.